Cycle Syncing
May I start by saying that I would be overjoyed if non-menstruating people would read this post. I think at first glance it looks like it’s for ladies but it’s for everyone who has a menstruating person in their life as well as the people who menstruate themselves. Can you imagine if non-menstruating people could understand the people who do menstruate and how different they can feel from one part of their cycle to the next. It’s important that you don’t use this information against them but as a way to help them and help yourself to understand their change in mood and energy levels to create more harmonious communication.
It took me a really long time to figure out why my energy levels weren’t always consistent and it wasn’t until I was in my mid thirties that I even began to track the dates of my period on the advice of my obgyn. When I would go and have my yearly cervical pap smear, my doctor would ask me when my last menstrual period was and I could never give her a clear answer. It only took 3 months of tracking before I noticed not only the rhythms of my menstrual cycle ( 36 days apart - no wonder I couldn’t remember when my last one was) but also I began to notice the rhythms of my moods and the rhythms of my energy levels. From this point on I was no longer surprised when my period arrived and no longer surprised as to why I had a short fuse for the days leading up to it.
What has benefitted me even more is noticing how I can work more efficiently by registering my energy levels and putting in different kinds of work and recreational activites depending on what part of my menstrual cycle I am in. I googled this to see if i had caught on to a new idea and low and behold it seems many women had figured this out way before me and had given it the name
“Cycle Syncing”
Not everyone is going to feel exactly the same during each stage of their menstrual cycle but we can notice our own cycles and see that they are usually quite predictable. Even in perimenopause where things are slightly out of sync for me I can still see the rhythms of my cycle and how my mood and energy levels change.
Menstrual cycles can sometimes feel like an inconvenience in this patriarchal society where we are expected to work consistantly throughout the month. It’s my hope that going forward that society will be able to work in a way that respects the devine feminine and takes into consideration our levels of energy and variations in mood and allows for a schedule where we can still work productively but have the freedom to do it more cyclically.
We can definitely listen to our hormonal fluctuations when it comes to our personal yoga practice. Here at Setagaya Yoga Studio since opening the rooftop studio l really notice the seasons and have begun to teach in a more cyclical way. I like to create yoga practices that take into consideration my own personal rhythm and other natural cycles as well like the changing seasons, the phases of the moon and the times of the day for a kinder more natural practice. Whether we practice yoga or not we really can listen to our hormonal fluctuations and work with our bodies instead of constantly fighting against them.
If none of this resonates with you it could be interesting to track your own cycle and see if what rhythms are present for you and see if and how you can work with them. I’d be truly interested to hear any of your findings or comments so please drop me a line at my email and let me know.